Wednesday, August 19, 2015

First Day of School!

So today was our first day of school...a long-awaited day, that wiped me out more than I expected! Being only my second year teaching, this was my first time going from having a well-trained class of almost first-graders to a class of just-out-of-preschoolers who don't know any of the routines yet. Did this throw any of you off in your early years? It certainly was hard for me, and I'm sure it's still going to be an adjustment in the coming days...weeks...months.

However, I really don't have much to complain about for this first day. It was actually probably one of the calmest first days I could ever hope to have. Last year, I had parents all over the classroom, unloading supplies, kids meeting me for the first time, and one case of separation anxiety that resulted in major tears and screaming. This year, I have a class of only 6 (no, that's not a typo, SIX kids), one of whom is on vacation this week. Their parents were calmer. We asked them to bring their supplies on Back to School night so there was no supply-unpacking to do. I met all the students this year on home visits and they all saw the classroom on Back to School night. And... (I was SO excited) NO CRYING. The bell rang at 8:00 and within 10 minutes, I had 5 little angels quietly coloring at their tables, no parents to be seen anywhere in the classroom. Like I said, very calm.

We are also fortunate to have a half-day for the first day of school, with chapel thrown in there to take up half an hour. And yet somehow, I'm still exhausted. I'm also very excited for the possibilities of this school year. It's so weird to think of a brand new adventure ahead of me, with different challenges, different talents, different events and highlights. So far, I've only known one class as truly "mine." I have to remember that my experiences last year, as much as I learned about being a teacher, and teaching Kindergarteners, will still not have fully prepared me for this upcoming year. And as scary as that is (I like to think that I'm SO prepared as a second-year teacher), it's also kind of exciting.

The only major hitch in our day was the possibility of rain. As grateful as I am for the cooler weather with this storm system moving through, I did not want to have to introduce my kids to gym recess on the first day! So I kept an eye on the clouds out the window, and thankfully, we were able to get outside for recess on the playground before the rain came!

One of my favorite things to do on the first day of school is to sing "The Circle Time Song" by the Kiboomers. It's just a fun little song with a good repeating chorus that can be sung in a circle with some simple actions. I used it last year, somehow I stumbled upon it, and decided at the last minute (as in, at 7:12 this morning) that I wanted to use it again this year. Sure enough, it was a hit, and after a few times through it during the day, the kids were loving it!

This year, I chose a few favorite books to read for the first day. I started off with Pete the Cat: Rocking in my School Shoes by Eric Litwin. This one is SO much fun as a first day book! Not only does it address first day feelings of anxiety and sparks the conversation of how to deal with it, but it also introduces locations in a school building. Of course it also has the awesome song to go with it (available on CD or online with the book), saving a bit of your voice and giving the kids a way to interact by singing that tune over and over.
I also chose to read The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn. Now, I have seen many bloggers saying that they DON'T read this book on the first day. However, I chose to, because when I went on home visits, I brought along a little Chester stuffed animal that I got through Scholastic, and so I brought him out again to read the story. Also, how can you resist all those cute crafts to go with it?! We actually ended up having an awesome discussion about how raccoons are nocturnal, and the kids made that connection by talking about how they've seen raccoons outside at night (apparently they're common here...not so much in California where I grew up!) I am blessed to be at a school where the parents really care, and they come from good pre-schools, so the kids are so knowledgeable and excited to learn and we can have these discussions even on the first day!
As a time filler, I also brought out a quick favorite, The Singing Chick by Victoria Stenmark. I think it's so important to read some good "just for fun" books on the first day, and this one definitely is! It was one I inherited from my mom from her teaching days in Kindergarten, and one her students always loved too. Last year, I didn't pull it out until my bird unit, and I knew I had made a mistake for waiting so long! It is a funny, entertaining book, with opportunities for predictions. However, it only works if you're willing to do the silly voices!

After reading The Kissing Hand, we did a craft to go along with it. It was a good way to assess their scissor and glue skills, as well as their ability to follow directions. I was expecting to have to walk them through it step-by-step, but as soon as they saw my example, they were all working away and got it finished like that! They are a very independent group. I sort of mish-mashed this project from several ideas I found from other bloggers. I had the pieces traced and ready to go, and they did all the cutting. I decided to play the hand part by ear, since I didn't know exactly how the day would play out. I had decided to put off the hand prints until tomorrow, but then we came back after chapel with plenty of time to spare, so I traced their hands for them and them color them in (since I had forgotten to grab paint from the closet down the hall!). Don't they look adorable?

Unfortunately, I couldn't go home and sleep after school, so I'm sitting at the auto shop with my laptop while my car gets its 30,000 mile inspection and maintenance (yay for being a grown up!). But I am looking forward to a few hours of relaxing on the couch with some Grey's Anatomy tonight to recharge for a full day tomorrow!

God's Blessings and Happy Teaching!

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